MLM Success can seem more challenging than it actually is. What is the big secret? In more than 20 years in the world of MLM, I am amazed to find out how many people still do not understand that they are responsible for their MLM success.
This may be a bit of a rant, but it’s something I feel is important enough to go over. Let me begin by saying that if you truly want to build a solid business, and experience real MLM success, you are going to have to take absolute responsibility for your business.
When I hear and read complaints, it usually comes down to some version of “my sponsor never ….” or “the company just hasn’t … “. So, I thought I would take a look at the role of your sponsor and the company when it comes to creating mlm success.
First … Your Sponsor: While I would love to think that your sponsor makes “all” the difference, the reality of it is … they simply do not. Their primary role is to introduce you to the opportunity. A really solid sponsor is also going to take responsibility for training and supporting you as you learn and build your business. But, we all know there are a lot of really bad sponsors out there.
I’ve had some of the best and some of the worst sponsors over my 20+ year history. Here is how it really broke down for me:
When I had a bad sponsor, I just kept researching to learn how to build. I would reach up to their sponsor. I would take full advantage of the company training and support systems. I knew that, even with a really inept sponsor, my success and my ability to feed my family would depend on what I did with my business.
When I had a really good sponsor, they provided me with access to the right training. They set the example for how to build. As they became more and more successful, they were less and less accessible to me. I knew that, even with a really strong sponsor, my success and my ability to feed my family would depend on what I did with my business.
Your sponsor may be brand new. They may be horrible. They may be amazing. Ultimately, if you want to experience MLM success, you will need to take full responsibility for your actions and results.
It may help to put yourself in your sponsor’s shoes a bit. The goal is to utilize leverage to efficiently build momentum and create growth. If you wanted to make that happen in your business, would you want to spend a lot of time recreating and discussing the same training steps individually? Or, would it be more efficient to set up a resource that your team can go to in order to get the training they need?
Here is a brutal truth. Asking your sponsor to go over company training with you 1 on 1, when the information is already available via video, PDF, webinar, Facebook Live, etc… shows disrespect to your sponsor’s time.
Second … The Company. You chose the company you joined for a reason. Maybe it was the products, the services, the opportunity, the system … or maybe it was all of these factors. What is the actual role and responsibility of your company in regard to your business? Here is the way I see it:
The company should make sure you have access to the products and services offered.
The company should make sure they can provide the support needed.
The company should make sure they provide you with appropriate training information.
The company should make sure you are paid accurately and timely.
From there … it is up to you to build your business.
Along the way, you will find folks you enjoy and can work together with very well. Consider that a bonus.
Ultimately … YOU. So, what does mlm success really come down to? When YOU decide that you want to make it happen and begin taking the steps that create it, you can have it.
Ask yourself this question:
If my downline did the same thing I did today, would their business grow? If you were busy prospecting for new members, supporting and training existing members, and working on personal development, you were doing the right things. If you were complaining about your sponsor or the company policy, you were wasting your time. Do the things you wish your downline was doing. Teach them to do those things.
It is not your responsibility to grow your downline’s business. It is your responsibility to grow your business and provide the example for your downline to follow. Some will follow the example. Some will not. Spend your time with those who do. That is how a real team is built. Work WITH those who are doing the work WITH you. You will all grow faster. And, that is when MLM Success begins to happen.
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