Are you waiting for MLM success or creating MLM success?
Recently, I was involved in two separate conversations with two separate distributors.
Distributor 1 was frustrated due to the lack of growth in their business. The phrase they used was “I am tired of waiting for success. I think I should quit.” They were literally waiting for their sponsor to build their business for them.
My response was, quite simply, “I think you should stop waiting and start creating MLM success in your business.”.
Distributor 2 was talking to me about the actions they are taking. They are running their ads. They are building their list. They are following up with prospects. They are referring new sales on a daily basis.
Guess which one is making money.
Distributor 1 signed up for a “team build” and was literally waiting for their sponsor to make them money. They aren’t using their tools. They aren’t participating in the training. They aren’t promoting. They aren’t growing. They are …. waiting.
Distributor 2 STARTED their own “team build” and was busy doing the work AND TEACHING REFERRALS TO DO THE SAME. Their business is growing like crazy!
Most of the time, success in network marketing comes down to something this simple. If you are waiting for success, you may very well have a long wait ahead of you. If you are CREATING MLM success, you are going to experience success much faster because you are taking action and you are working with leaders that have a proven track record.
I am amazed at folks who “join” a business and then just wait. If they tried that with a job, they’d be fire. But they will put in enough work to keep that job so they can get a paycheck. If they put in the work to build their own business, they could fire their boss!
Are you waiting for your sponsor to build your business?
Stop waiting. Start creating MLM success by doing the work!
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Marketing online for 20+ years, I’ve seen first hand how those who are devoted enough to TAKE ACTION, are indeed the ones who WILL succeed, while those who FOREVER WAIT, WILL NEVER even get a small taste of success. I myself had to learn this lesson, I made ZERO income online until I started investing REAL PRODUCTIVE time and money into my business. The saying is very true, IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. Productive time investment is also required.
Though success cannot be guaranteed with any business, but it stands to reason, the law of averages works in your favor if you take consistent action and are patient. Frankly, in MLM, if you have no real use for your product or service your selling you may as not well not be involved, as it may take awhile to start earning money.
“the law of averages works in your favor if you take consistent action and are patient” Well said, Eric!