When you are prospecting for your network marketing business, do you typically lead with the product/service first or the opportunity?
Do you change it up depending on who you are talking to?
Comment below to let us know and let’s see how everybody weighs in.
I usually lead with product because of it’s quality. I think that is an easier way to ‘get’ to the business opportunity pitch.
However, sometimes there are people asking you or telling you they need to make more money. In those cases you can offer a potential solution & lead with the business.
I almost always lead with the value of working directly with me ( consulting service). Then I see where they are in their knowledge base of marketing online before trying to fit them to an opportunity. Most marketers have more than one opportunity for multiple streams of income and I try to fit budget and experience.
I try to tailor to who I am talking to, talk to them a little bit, find out where they are, what they currently know about internet and marketing.
Their level of experience helps me choose what product or opportunity they will be the most successful with.
Whenever I do 1 on 1 or table talk, I usually start with my product. I show them my product, explain it’s benefits and let them taste it. After wards, I will tell them that I have business in my product. I will now start discussing the business opportunity.
There are some instances that when I meet a friend or anybody in a public place I sometimes start with asking them if they would you like to have a business, that’s the time that I will discuss the business before the product.
So this depends upon the situation.
I would say are you interested in a business opportunity, and then 9 out of 10 people would always ask ” What is it, or what is it about?”. Then I would say my little line depending on the company. So if I was talking about TOAN, I might say it’s a way to make money selling ads online. Do you have a 5 minutes? But I promote TOAN all online. Nothing but NET.
Product ALWAYS! Are you selling a Product or a Pay Plan? Tell someone they buy your overpriced junk and will get rich quick, guess what happens when they don’t get rich! It’s YOUR fault and your product’s fault, you told them they would get rich and didn’t, that means you are a scammer!
Sell a REAL quality product that someone can use to build their business, and watch that product deliver! Quality never goes out of style. Businesses will ALWAYS need hosting, auto responders, and advertising, and provide them with good quality products and they will buy month after month for years to come.
Product first! If a good product also has a good pay plan, then you’ve struck gold, but without a solid useful quality product in front of the “opportunity” (I hate that word) it won’t last.
When prospecting I always lead with the opportunity first. I have found that people
are quite apprehensive “when I am prospecting” about getting sold something. Often
times people are either shopping for something partime or to supplement their
This way even if the opportunity isnt for them they can refer it to someone they know. I never sell on first contact. Getting contact information is much much
more important to me.
I’ve used both effectively. In my case, I try to gauge it based on the person I’m talking to.
As an example: The other night, my wife and I were having dinner and the waitress was just doing an AMAZING job.
I asked her, “Robin, what are you DOING here?!?”
She replied, “I love being around people and got burnt out at my job.”
I looked at her and said, “You’re clearly too talented to just be doing this the rest of your life. Do you keep your options open for other ways to make money?”.
We had a nice conversation and will be following up in the next few days.
In other cases, someone may mention something that indicates an interest in our product line OR they mention some situation that I believe our product may be able to help with. So I’ll ask if they’d like to try a free sample.
Both methods work. I think the key is in knowing which to use based on the person and the moment.
I don’t normally lead with anything directly connected to e3ither the product or the opportunity. Start with a generalised chat and listen for signals revealing the prospects interests. Then I can discover which the prospect is most likely to be intersted in. At that pont I decide which to promote first.
I agree that it’s best to read the moment, ask a couple questions and try and find out what their needs are. Possibly even determine their history and experience, successes and failures.
It’s a great product that gives phenominal results almost over night. It really does speak for itself. As a product.
But another point I’d like to make is, it’s very easy to have success using this a product where having success using it as an opportunity takes a bit more skill. Results will vary depending on their level of dedication and skills can also play a role.
Personally, I’m very pleased with it as “both”
To everyones all around success,
Frank Mansell