Network Marketing really just makes sense. And I can prove it.
The fact of the matter is that most of us are doing it for free, already. I’ll give you a few examples. See how many sound like something you do.
You go out to see a movie. The next day, at work, you are telling your co-workers, “We saw that movie last night! It was amazing!” Your friends decide, “Well, they liked it. Let’s go try it.” You have similar tastes and they feel confident that if you liked the movie, they will too.
You enjoy a great meal at a local restaurant and you tell your friends about it over the next few days. Some your friends decide to try the restaurant. They share similar tastes and respect your pallet so they follow your lead.
I recently asked a guitar playing buddy of mine where he gets his guitars worked on. He gave me a name and a number. I called to set up an appointment to get my bass guitar worked on. I told them my buddy recommended them.
When I set up for a gig and pull out my iPad, some of the musicians ask me what I’m using. I tell them about an app I use that lets me put music on my iPad for all the various bands I work with. Some of those musicians are now using that same app on their iPad.
Someone asked me, a while back, about how I’ve been getting in better shape. I told them about some new eating habits and the gym where I work out. They got a membership at the same gym.
Each of these cases is an example of real networking in action. The only “drawback” is that none of these folks actually got paid for the recommendations. The reality is that most of us are actually doing network marketing for free, just like these example.
Real network marketing is where a company offers a product or service to the market place. If you are the one that refers the new customer, the company shares a percentage of their sales revenue because you are the reason they have that sales revenue. Each time that customer buys from the company, the company pays you a commission.
Since most of us (maybe even all of us) are doing something like this for free, already, doesn’t it just make sense to get paid for something we are already doing anyway?
It really doesn’t have to be complicated. If you are using a product or service that you can get excited about, and you share that product or service with others, you can earn an ongoing commission month after month or year after year. There are companies in a variety of industries that offer this sort of opportunity. Many of these companies you may have heard of already. Others may be completely new to you.
It may be well worth your time to check out some of the offers on this page to find out if you can spot a network marketing opportunity that resonates with you.
Like any business, there are success stories and stories of failures. The key is to find a company with a solid market position and partner with someone who can teach you how to build the business you want for yourself. Some just want to make enough money that their own products or services are covered by commissions. Others want to supplement their traditional income, and others have big goals that include creating wealth and no longer needing that traditional job income. Each of these levels of success are available in a number of companies that offer a network marketing opportunity.
My advice to you is to check out the ads you see on this blog, contact the advertiser, ask questions, and learn more. Then choose the company and team that makes sense to you.
Online prospecting and recruiting strategies will become the dominant way we will be building direct sales and network marketing businesses in the 21st century.