Are there network marketing challenges? Plenty! Can you beat them? Some can be beat. Others you just need to be prepared to go through along your journey to network marketing success.
I have written an article that talks about some of the challenges that are simply inevitable. I call this my MLM Facts Of Life Talk. These are the things that we simply will not be able to prevent. If we just get ready for them and know they are part of the process, we can just keep moving forward.
The network marketing challenges I want to talk about in this article have more to do with the challenges we can take action on and overcome.
Network marketing requires actual work. Settle this before you join your first opportunity and you will be way ahead of the competition. If your goal is to make the big money, be prepared to do some actual work. When I got started in this industry, I had multiple part-time jobs, was raising 5 kids, and spent my evenings learning, prospecting, presenting, etc…
There were times I wouldn’t sleep for 2-3 days straight.
How was I able to keep that schedule? I had big goals. I knew why I was doing what I was doing and nothing short of death was going to stop me from making it happen. The good news was that I was able to build my network marketing income and started firing bosses! I’ve been “successfully unemployed” ever since.
Network marketing requires training. One of the biggest network marketing challenges I have seen and experienced is that folks tend to believe they can sign up for a business and not actually take in the training. They say things like, “I don’t need all that.” or “I don’t have time for all that.”. And, then they want to call their upline sponsor to complain or ask questions that were actually answered in the training. Take the time to get the training. Learn your new business. Learn the skills.
One of the biggest network marketing challenges is to realize that success takes patience. Those big “overnight success stories” we like to hear about don’t really tell you about the years that person spent learning, crafting, presenting, fine-tuning, and grinding. We see the big rings and the big announcements but we miss the grind. Be prepared to put in the work and the time. Overnight success stories seem to take a few years to actually be written.
The good news is that each of these challenges can be beat. It’s a matter of making up your mind that you are going to take a business approach instead of a lottery or get-lucky approach to your business.
When you get it right, you will experience the joy of residual income, time freedom, and the ability to make lasting memories for yourself and your loved ones.
Yours In Success,
Brian Rooney

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