Is network marketing a scam? After 20 years, I still haven’t found a better job. I haven’t violated any laws and I’ve supported a family of 7. Network marketing is far from a perfect world but I can definitely give you a lot of examples for why I believe so strongly in the network marketing industry.
First, let’s look at some of the common complaints people have about network marketing.
Startup costs have a lot of folks believe network marketing to be a scam. Having startup costs doesn’t mean a business is a scam. For example, a business requiring start-up capital is common across the board in and out of network marketing. Franchises can run from a few thousand dollars to well over a million dollars. Startup costs for traditional businesses typically range from mid 5 figures to millions of dollars depending on the industry. So, spending money to start a business is just part of the reality of starting any business. Fortunately, most network marketing businesses can be started from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.
I’ve had friends tell me they believe network marketing is a scam because I tried to get my friends in to it with me. Just apply a little bit of logic to that idea and you can see that this doesn’t mean network marketing is a scam. If a friend tried to help you get stated in real estate, insurance, recruiting, etc… you would recognize these industries as places where some folk really do very well. Now, I do get that the way some network marketers, especially those new to the industry, can be overly excited and make claims that sound too good to be true, over-emphasized, etc… But that doesn’t make network marketing a scam. It makes the distributor poorly trained, overly enthusiastic, or just misguided in their approach.
Some folks believe network marketing products to be overpriced. In many cases, I can say I actually agree. Even this doesn’t make network marketing a scam. The bottom line is that if you do not believe the product or service to be worth it, you have the absolute right to purchase elsewhere. It’s pretty simple, really.
All this being said, I am aware that some companies in our industry present better than others. Some companies do provide high quality products and services. Some companies are more reputable than others. These are all facts in any industry, including network marketing.
I got in to network marketing, full-time, in early 2000. I didn’t get involved for “easy money” but building a network marketing business was MUCH easier than construction work, janitorial work, etc… I didn’t really get involved for “big money” although, I did build a 5 figure monthly income.
My big motivation was to be able to spend more time with my kids. I wanted to be around them as they grew up. Network marketing gave me a vehicle to get that done. I was able to set my own hours. I was able to create the level of income I was willing to work for. No job I am aware of will let you do that.
There have been challenges, for sure. There have been good times and bad times. At the end of the day, I am extremely grateful for network marketing, the opportunity it provides, the freedom it affords, and the potential it creates. Is network marketing a scam? Not in my 20+ years of experience.
I encourage you to do your research and make the decision that is best for you.
Brian Rooney

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