Life is Selling. We are constantly selling whether we believe it or not. Some of us are doing it professionally. We all do it instinctively. Successful sales people understand and embrace the reality that life is selling. Those who do it well experience incredible success.
Why do I believe life is selling? When I talk to someone that tells me they “aren’t in to sales”, I usually chuckle and ask, “Are you married?” or “Have you ever been on a date?”. When they inevitably say “yes”, I can’t help but grin and say, “Yeah … you are DEFINITELY in sales.”.
The fact is: We are all constantly selling, whether it be selling our kids on the idea of proper behavior, good education … selling someone on the idea of going on a date with us … selling a co-worker on your idea of the best place to have lunch … recommending a book or a movie … these are examples of what I mean when I say “Life Is Selling”.
Recognizing that there are good and bad ways of selling is where things become interesting. Words like “salesy” are typically used to describe that stereotypical used car salesman. Sales people are often accused of manipulating people.
But a true sales person recognizes that real sales is problem solving.
In my case, I don’t spend any time trying to “convince” someone to come to my conclusion. I present options. If the options make sense, the customer buys and the sale is made. Thinking of sales as being a “problem solver” helped me make the switch to becoming much more effective at selling and creating income through commissions.
For me, what appeals to me about real network marketing is that we have the opportunity to provide a real solution to someone and help them solve a problem. When are do that effectively, our income goes up. No need to be “salesy” or manipulative. Just provide solutions. Those who are looking for what we provide can do business with us and we can be compensated accordingly.
Life is selling. And, that can be a good thing when it’s done right.
Brian Rooney
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