I have never made millions in network marketing even though I’ve been doing it full-time for over 20 years. I know there are stories of people who have created millions in income in our industry. I personally know quite a few but I am not one of them.
Would I like to make millions in network marketing? Sure! And, maybe I will. But the point of this article is to let you know that you can actually build a pretty solid and enjoyable lifestyle in this industry without becoming a mega-millionaire.
My own journey started back in 1999. I had a beautiful family. My wife and I were raising 5 amazing kids and my big attraction to network marketing was the ability to be home with them. I didn’t want to come home and hear about their day. I wanted to be a part of their day. So, we began looking in to how I could be home more. For us, network marketing provided a great solution.
I was naturally comfortable talking to people. I liked helping people find solutions to their problems. I had partnered with a company that allowed me to create an income doing something I enjoyed anyway. And, it was a LOT better than letting someone else dictate my schedule, decide my income, tell me when I could take vacations, and best of all … I didn’t have someone else telling me when I could be with my kids.
Our decision to leave the job world and get started in network marketing included the possibility that I might not make as much money working from home. We were willing to take our lifestyle down a few notches if that was what it took to be present with my family.
The good news is that I made a very nice income in network marketing. We took some great vacations and had some amazing experiences. Maybe I could have made millions in network marketing if I had spent more time prospecting. But, when I wasn’t working, I was helping to home school my kids, coaching basketball, playing music, and taking my wonderful wife on dates. I was enjoying life.
One of my personal themes was, “What’s the point of making a living if you don’t have a life you can enjoy?”. And, I enjoyed my life very much thanks to the freedom provided by working from home.
These days, my kids are all grown. My wife of 27 years passed away in 2013. I am engaged to a new love and looking forward to the next chapter of life. With no more kids to raise, and no more basketball, I have more time. Maybe I will put in the time to reach that goal of making millions in network marketing. Could be fun, right? I may not. I do enjoy sleeping in. I like to travel, and I still love playing music.
That residual income is a wonderful thing and I will always remain active in the industry of network marketing. It’s better than any job I have ever had. I enjoy the time freedom that comes with network marketing and I can’t imagine going back to that life where someone else controls my time, my income, and my freedom.
Maybe you’re considering network marketing yourself. Feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments. I love to discuss the industry and enjoy getting know people from around the world.
Yours In Success,
Brian Rooney
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