“How long does it take to make money in mlm?” is a question I am asked quite a bit. My goal here is to help you answer this question for yourself because there is no “one size fits all” answer.
We all enjoy a good success story. It’s fun to read about that person who hit that 5 figure income in their first week. We love to hear the housewife who became a six figure income earner in 90 days. One of my favorite stories is the guy skyrocketed to the top and became a 6 figure monthly income earner in his first 30 days.
In fact, I know each of these people individually, and the stories are absolutely true!
And here’s the rest of the story.
When you ask, “How long does it take to make money in MLM?”, and you see stories like these, it is easy to get excited. You start to think, “What if I could do that, too?”. And, then … you run off and start talking to everybody you know and you don’t get rich in 90 days.
Here is the part of the story you missed: Each of these incredible success stories (and there are many more) are about people you had never heard of until AFTER they reached their income goals.
What you didn’t see … What nobody was talking about … was the time, effort, and training that went in to creating that overnight success story.
These days, it’s hard to find a network marketer that doesn’t at least know the name, “Holton Buggs”. Known for his meteoric rise to become the #1 income earner in network marketing, worldwide, his success story is absolutely inspiring.
What nobody talks about is the years he spent … YEARS … where his biggest check was only $500 in a single month. He could have quit. But, here’s the important part. When he got started, he wasn’t asking, “How Long Does It Take To Make Money in MLM?”. He was asking, “What do I have to learn and DO to make money in MLM?”.
He attended every training he qualified for. He read. He studied. He listened. He applied. He grew. He began to make money in MLM. He became the #1 income earner in the world, out of every MLM company.
When we hear these success stories, we think they reached the big numbers in 30 days, 90 days, 1 year. What actually happened was that they worked like crazy, learning, growing, and applying for YEARS before that 30 day story we all got to hear.
Mr Buggs knows that he didn’t become the #1 income earner in 120 days. He became the #1 income earner in 7+ years.
So, instead of asking “How long does it take to make money in MLM?” start asking, “What do I need to learn? What do I need to DO to start making money in MLM?”.
This does NOT mean you have to take 7 years to make money in MLM. With today’s technology and some solid coaching, you can compress that timeline quite a bit. Then, begin learning and doing the things that top earners around the world are doing. You will find that they have a lot in common.
The key is to take consistent action. Joining a network marketing company two years ago doe not translate to you actually building your business for two years. Joining two years ago and being in consistent action for two years means you are actually building your business for two years. (A lot of people confuse that information). “Joining” is not “Building”.

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