Straight Talk About How Money Gets Made with TOAN
You’re a network marketer. You may be just starting out. You may be a seasoned pro. You may be somewhere in between. But one thing you have in common with every other network marketer is:
You Want To Make More Money in Network Marketing!
This post is designed to help you cut through the junk and get right to the heart of how money is actually made at The Online Ad Network.
Before we get started: PUT YOUR BUSINESS HAT ON!
This isn’t net”luck” marketing.
This isn’t net”gift” marketing.
This isn’t even net”group” marketing.
Be prepared to WORK to CREATE your success.
What this post is NOT going to be about is how to wait for someone else to give you spillover, how to get lucky by joining some “program” at “just the right time” or any of that nonsense.
This post is about how YOU can take CONTROL over your life and income and begin CREATING Your SUCCESS.
Are You Ready?
There are just 2 phases for you to concern yourself with. They are:
- Phase 1: Get Your Ads for FREE.
- Phase 2: Get In To Profit.
Let’s start with Phase 1: Get Your Ads for FREE:
How do you do this? The short answer is:
Get 3 new referrals on your first level in our 3×10 Matrix.
The longer answer includes HOW you do that.
You are already involved with network marketing. (That’s why you’re here). So you already know a LOT of people that want to make more money in network marketing.
Invite them to your Affiliate URL to show them how they can advertise their products, services, and opportunity to targeted interested prospects worldwide by joining The Online Ad Network with you.
They can be in the same network marketing company as you or in a completely different network marketing company. It doesn’t matter!
When you have 3 new advertisers on your first level in The Online Ad Network, you are earning $20.25 per month. Since your monthly advertising costs are $19.95 per month, you have reached “break even” and you are effectively getting free advertising for your own ads!
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Level 1: | ![]() |
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(Note: Your advertising expense may be tax deductible! Consult your tax professional).
Now let’s look at Phase 2: Get In To Profit.
This is so simple it’s ridiculous! Show those 3 referrals on your first level how to do what you just did so THEY can complete Phase 1 for themselves.
When they do, 2 things happen:
- Your 3 first level referrals have completed Phase 1. Their ads are now FREE.
- You are now in profit because you have added a total of 9 more advertisers/affiliates to your downline in the 3×10 matrix!
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Level 1: | ![]() |
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By following this simple pattern and helping your referrals do the same, your downline can continue to grow while your ads are promoting your primary opportunity.
And yes … you can even run ads to promote your Affiliate URL for The Online Ad Network.
Take a moment to really catch the power of this simple formula:
- You take control and introduce 3 people to TOAN via your Affiliate URL.
- Show them how to do the same.
If you personally never referred another advertiser but showed your team how to follow this plan so that each referral just brought in 3 per month, your income would be astronomical by the end of your first year.
- Month 1: you refer 3. (You’re at ‘break even’)
- Month 2: those 3 each refer 3. (Your total: 12)
- Month 3: those 9 each refer 3. (Your total: 39)
- Month 4: those 27 each refer 3. (Your total: 120)
Let’s take just a moment for a bit of a reality check. Most people in network marketing probably would be VERY happy seeing a $120 per month income from their advertising program!
If you stopped right there, that would be a solid accomplishment, right? You’re running free ads and you’re putting some nice extra cash in your pocket each month. Not bad for a little online text ad system!
But what if you are a real go-getter and you really motivate and support your referrals to keep this plan in action? What is possible?
- Month 5: those 81 each refer 3. (Your total: 363)
- Month 6: those 243 each refer 3. (Your total: 1,092)
- Month 7: those 729 each refer 3. (Your total: 3,279)
I’m going to stop right there. More income is certainly available through the 3×10 matrix. If you are the kind of motivated achiever that can excel, refer new advertisers, and train your referrals to do the same, your income can quickly reach in to the 5 figures per month range.
These examples are designed to give you an idea of what is possible for you.
Just look at what is possible if all you do is personally refer 3, teach them to refer 3, and the pattern continues!
This allows you to keep your focus on your primary business(es) while building an additional income stream with The Online Ad Network.
I realize there are a lot of “groups” and various concepts that promise the moon, tell you they will build your business for you, and so on.
It’s time to get serious: If you want to make real money in network marketing, it’s time to start treating your business like a business. Take responsibility for your own success. Invite your network marketing associates, uplines, and downlines, to view your Affiliate URL.
Start by getting your first level filled.
Then get in to profit. How far you want to take it from there is completely up to you!
Yours in Success,
Brian Rooney
I am ready to change my life, help me
Your first step will be to open your account.
The next step will be to follow the training.