Have you considered joining one of those MLM Team Builds people are talking about? Do MLM Team Builds Work? You will want to make sure of a few things before you decide to jump in.
I think the most important first step is to properly understand the word “Team”. You have probably seen Together Everyone Achieves More. And, it CAN be true, IF … Everyone is actually WORKING together to achieve the desired result.
You have to ask yourself what your goal is before deciding on joining any MLM Team Builds. If your goal is to see if you might get lucky and pick up a few bucks, then it might make sense to join one. If your goal is to get rich, you should be aware: I have never seen any truly successful mlm professional say they got wealthy because of joining a team.
In fact, most every successful mlm professional I know has a few things in common:
They Just Went To Work They didn’t hope to join the “right sponsor” or the “right team”. They simply made a decision, got the training, and then took massive action to CREATE results. Most of the success stories I know of had either a worthless sponsor or an almost worthless sponsor. They had to create their own success without their sponsor’s’ involvement.
They BUILT A Team Notice the difference between “built a team” and “joined a team”. Leaders are just that: Leaders. They are so busy leading by example that they begin to attract others who want to get the same results and so they start doing the same stuff.
Most MLM Team Builds I have seen have some sort of “Let us do the work for you” or “We will build your downline” component. As an owner of a couple different companies, the persistent complaint I hear is, “Team MakeMeRich was supposed to build my downline and I didn’t see any results, so I quit.”. Now, some will say that this member should have just stick with it longer. Maybe.
But imagine this scenario:
You just dial in and do the work to create success. Along the way, you partner with and coach others who are willing to do the work required to create success. You begin to work directly with them. You communicate. You work together. They aren’t waiting on you. They are, in fact, learning from you and following your example. They even inspire you to take more action.
THAT is my idea of the best MLM Team you will ever experience. A bunch of leaders all working together to help each other achieve the desired goal.
When I used to coach basketball, I saw a lot of teams who relied on the strength, skills, or height of a particular player. The coach relied on it. The rest of the team relied on it. The rest of the team simply wasn’t involved. What did I do when I saw this happening? I told my team, “Do NOT let that guy touch the ball.” And, we beat that “team” by a lot of points. This happened over and over, again.
How did my team win Nationals Championships? Every member of the team put in the work to learn the skills. Every member of the team put in the work to learn the plays. Every member of the team put in the work to learn the game within the game. We were a hard team to beat because when the opposing coach tried to shut down one of our players, we shifted our plan and got others players involved. THAT is my idea of a team. Every player had a role to play, learned the role, and executed their role to the best of their ability. We won a lot of championships. Quite a few of our players got college scholarships. Some of them play professionally in the NBA and overseas.
If you have a group of people waiting on you to build their downline for them, you are going to see a lot of people quit.
If you have a group of people actually doing the work with you, you are going to see a lot of people win.
Still think it’s about finding the “right sponsor”? Check out this article:
Stop Trying To Find The Perfect MLM Sponsor

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